Welcome to the Caltech student affairs event registration website!
Registration Requirements
All student-planned events that are sponsored or subsidized by Caltech and which include one or more of the following components must be registered:
- All events with alcohol service whether they are hosted on or off campus (Graduate Student residents in the Catalinas may host events with alcohol without registration if the event will have no more than 32 people)
- Events on campus with 50 or more people (without alcohol)
- Off-campus events with 30 or more people and/or when a group is traveling 30 miles or more from campus (House retreats, ski trips, ASCIT and GSC formals, etc)
- Any event with special access or materials (Pumpkin drop, LN2, Animals, etc)
- Events that include construction
- Campus rally/protest/demonstration/vigils and memorials
- Events that feature a non-Caltech guest speaker
- Events that involve hosting another campus or program (Hacktech, Introduce a Girl to Stem Day, etc.)
- Any event where RLCs or Club Advisors request registration
- If an event is being held in an academic building, please check the division's policy regarding room reservations and whether registration through this process is required.
- BBE requires registration through our office for all club events being held in their spaces.
Registration Timeline:
When to register:
- Small events and parties must be registered 2 weeks in advance
- Large events and parties must be registered 4 weeks in advance
- Off-campus events must be registered 4 weeks in advance
- The approval process must begin before advertising, alcohol purchases, or construction may take place.
- If the approval process is started any later than outlined above, we cannot guarantee that it will be approved in time.
- If construction is not completed and approved by Noon 2 working days prior to the event, we cannot guarantee that it will be approved in time.
- Failure to receive approval in time will result in postponement of the event.
All events with alcohol service must include:
- Professional bartenders hired by Student Affairs (must be vaccinated)
- Wristbands
- Water and substantial food
- Orange Watch Volunteers
- Security
- Approval from the event management team
If you have any questions, please contact Erica Crawford and the Office of Student Experience at studentevents@caltech.edu.